Corporate information

Vision statement

Corporate Slogan

Total commitment to good health

“Total commitment to good health” is Toho Holdings’s pledge, representing our philosophy of constantly giving top priority to people who wish good health and creating customer value to raise their levels of satisfaction, and representing our desire to contribute to the broad enhancement of people’s health and to them realizing comfortable lifestyles.

Mission Statement

We shall live in harmony with society and our customers; together,we shall create new values through the provision of original service;and we shall contribute to the medical care and well-being of people around the world.

Core Values

  • Trust & Sympathy
    with People who wish good health

    We put people who wish good health first all the time and act in the interests of enhancing their satisfaction.

  • Trust & Sympathy
    with Customers

    We strive our utmost every day to be a company essential to our customers.

  • Trust & Sympathy
    with Employees

    We respect the personality, talent, and teamwork of all members, and value a corporate culture that is free and vigorous.

  • Trust & Sympathy
    with Society

    We observe laws and ethics, and strive to grow in harmony with society and for the benefit of its development.

  • Trust & Sympathy
    with Shareholders

    We pursue ever-greater corporate value and champion timely and adequate disclosure.

Business Domain (Business Structure Vision)


    Medical care,Health,Comfortable lifestyle
    Expand presence in health-related sectors around medical care, with the prescription pharmaceuticals wholesale business as the core business.

    Japan & the World
    Cover Japan nationwide, and survey expansion overseas.

    Sizebased competition→Business model-based competition
    Create numerous customer-value-creation business models with an alliance base that transcends industry borders.